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Culminating: Music Video

Former student example 1
Former student example 2
Students example of paperwork
Using everything you've learned in the course you are to make a music video for music of your choice (as long as it's 'clean'). Your music video should have:

  • at least 1 picture per-person that you take in the studio or in front of the green-screen and adjusted within Photoshop

  • at least 1 Flash element for each group member- even if it's a 'bumper'

  • videotaped footage that includes at least 1 shot of each type discussed in class


  1. Find 2-3 other people with which to collaborate.

  2. CLEARLY define your roles on the 'pitch sheet' - remember, you will be evaluated on your contribution to the project

  3. On the pitch sheet include the song name, the artist, the lyrics and your overall approach to the concept.

  4. Storyboard your ideas - include all relevant information (lighting, audio cues, actors, special effects)

  5. Come up with a list of all shots needed to be done to be successful. Include this on the pitch-sheet.

  6. Pitch the project to Mr. Regier - I must see the pitch-sheet as well as your storyboard. Once you've gotten a 'project green light' you can begin filming, otherwise NO FILMING CAN START WITHOUT A GREEN-LIGHT.

  7. Once done principal photography EACH GROUP MEMBER MUST DO SOME EDITING of the project - log the participation/time spent on various tasks

  8. Export out the project as a HD 720p MOV (quicktime) and submit it into the handin folder of one of the group members

  9. Each group member is to submit a simple text file (notepad) into their handin folder that has the following:

    1. Who submitted the video and who else was in your group;

    2. Exact breakdown of who did what major tasks;

    3. Log Sheet 1.doc A logsheet with exactly who did what and over what period of time

    4. A list of problems along the way and how you overcame them

    5. A list of things you'd change if you were to do the project again with the same song.



I assume, unless you otherwise wish it, that the music itself will be lip-synched but it may be an original should you want to do so. You will be evaluated as follows:
NOTE: the category is colour-coded blue for each part that MUST be completed by EACH group member

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